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The Pinnacle of Deception – Revelation 13:11-13


Bob Hunt of Zion’s Hope Ministries in Winter Garden, FL bases today’s teaching on Revelation 13:11-13. In this passage a second beast is introduced by John. The first beast (Revelation 13:1-10) is easy to identify: he is the Antichrist to come. We see in Daniel 7 a fourth beast who is the same figure as John’s first beast of Revelation. Thus, support outside of Revelation can be found for this first beast.

But who is this second beast?  We can search the Scriptures and it is hard to find any corresponding figure. But nonetheless this person plays a key role in Satan’s attempt to over throw the Lord as Supreme over the earth. This second beast will partner with the first beast and be driven by Satan to do his will. This second beast is also known as the False Prophet.

The False Prophet will proclaim a false doctrine and lead the earth into the worship of the first beast, The Antichrist. He will perform wondrous and amazing acts to validate the first beast’s claim to power and authority over the world. Deception will be his greatest tool as he leads many away from the Lord. This session highlights the deceptive nature of the second beast.


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