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The Islamic Antichrist Theory Debunked – The Mark of the Beast (Part 7)


Chris White, with Bible Prophecy Talk Podcast, presents Part 7 of his 11-part series on “The Islamic Antichrist Theory”. Chris is discussing, from the biblical text, why he believes the Islamic Antichrist theory is inaccurate.

Today, in Part 7, Chris continues discusses a unique approach to the “Mark of the Beast” as presented by Walid Shoebat in his book, “God’s War on Terror”.  Mr. Shoebat asserts that John was supernaturally shown the arabic words for ‘In the name of Allah’ and a picture of crossed swords when he was writing Revelation 13:18.  Mr. Shoebat further claims that the Greek scribes misunderstood the arabic letters that John wrote down, mistaking them for greek letters instead of arabic symbols.

Continuing his biblical & exegetical approach to eschatology, Chris presents several problems with this view.


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