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A weekday podcast where  Bible Prophecy matters, and matters greatly.

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Israel and the Next Generation


Jake McCandless delves into the current events surrounding Israel and how they impact the faith of the next generation. Jake, also the host of Stand Firm Parents, explores the profound spiritual implications that Israel’s role in prophecy has for our children and their understanding of Scripture. He challenges parents and those working with youth to consider the connection between today’s events in Israel and the biblical narrative, emphasizing that nearly every page of Scripture references Israel.

Jake highlights the alarming reality of anti-Semitism on college campuses and the skewed representation of Israel in the media. He calls attention to how this can shape young minds and influence their faith. With insightful interviews and personal reflections, Jake discusses how parents can engage with their children about these issues and foster a deeper understanding of Israel’s significance in God’s unfolding plan.

Key Topics Covered:

  • The importance of Israel in biblical prophecy and its connection to our faith.
  • The current conflict in Israel and the global media’s portrayal.
  • The impact of anti-Semitism and bias against Israel on college campuses and among younger generations.
  • Why understanding Israel’s role is crucial for a faith that lasts.
  • Interviews with experts like Daphne Kirk and Andrew Kirk, and insights from “Stand with Israel.”
  • How today’s events in Israel align with scriptural prophecy and affect our children’s view of God’s Word.

Scriptural References:

  • Zechariah 12:2-3 – ‘I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock…’
  • Psalm 2 – ‘The nations rage against Jerusalem…’
  • Romans 11 – Israel’s role in God’s continued plan.

Resources Mentioned:

Call to Action:

  • Parents, grandparents, and youth workers are encouraged to engage their children in discussions about Israel’s importance in the Bible and how today’s events reflect God’s ongoing plan.
  • Visit the website for more resources on Israel’s role in prophecy and how to equip your children for the challenges they face in today’s world.
  • Stay tuned for future episodes on this vital topic, including interviews and personal stories from Israel.

This episode challenges you to see Israel not only as a geopolitical issue, but as a core aspect of your faith journey and your child’s spiritual development.


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