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Crown Me (Part 3) – The Price of Victory


Charles Cooper continues his multi-part presentation where he argues for the far more critical focus on “ruling with Christ” following the Bema Seat Judgment, rather than trying to figure out the timing of the Rapture.

In this episode, using the first two characters in the “Parable of the Talents” (Matthew 25:14-23), Charles discusses Kingship, and the character of one who is to rule with Christ. Such a person is not one who only has faith, but who is actually faithFUL, and they receive from their Master “Commendation”, “Exaltation” and “Honoration”.

The concusion with the third man in the parable will be in the upcoming Part 4 of this series.

[Producers Note: Due to the importance & sobriety of Charles’ message regarding the Parable of the Talents, we will run his concluding Part 4 in the very next podcast, so that both parts are heard in close proximity to each other.]


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