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Paul Draws His Rapture Teaching from the Olivet Discourse Tradition


Dr. Alan Kurschner talked about the incredibly consistent teaching between Jesus’s Olivet Discourse and Paul’s Thessalonian letters on the doctrine of the second coming. He listed thirty parallels between Jesus and Paul. The pretribulational rapture position wrongly dichotomizes this teaching between Matthew 24 and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Their system (tradition) requires their interpretation, otherwise that would mean that the rapture would come after, not before, the Antichrist’s great tribulation.

He listed thirty parallels between Jesus and Paul and commented on a handful of them. Then he concluded by answering several objections to the prewrath interpertation. Pretribs claim that there are “contradictions” between Jesus and Paul’s accounts of the return of Christ therefore they think these two accounts are not describing the same event. Dr. Kurschner refuted these surface-level objections. The great consistency between Jesus and Paul’s teachings supports prewrath eschatology.

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