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Revelation 13:16-18 “Marked for Death” – Part 1


Bob Hunt, with Zion’s Hope, begins a three part series from Revelation 13 focusing on the Mark of the Beast. The Beast of the Sea (Antichrist) and The Beast of the Earth (False Prophet) have risen to power and are dominating the world scene. A part of this rise is the use of various devices not only to secure this power, but achieve world-wide worship.

The first device used was miracles, both by the Beast of the Sea and the Beast of the Earth. Many followed after them in worship. Next, the Beast of the Earth commands the building of an image and then orders all the earth to bow before it or die. Many again fall into worship. Lastly the Beast of the Earth mandates that all the earth be marked or face severe economic disaster. It is this mark that will be the focus of all three parts of this series.

Bob discusses the purpose of the mark, which is to lead all the earth into worship of the Beast of the Sea. The use of miracles induced what appears to be a voluntary worship. The second threatened death to those who would not bow. Now the mark puts economic sanctions on those who still continue to hold out. Without the ability to buy or sell, a person would certainly die of starvation.

The reason for the mark is to identify those who have succumbed to the system in obedience. A visible sign is anticipated.

The consequences, as previously mentioned, is economic. The world of any surviving Christians at this point just got extremely difficult. The issue of survival will be on their minds, especially those who have families. Only the Holy Spirit will help guide believers through this most horrific time.


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