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The Father’s House Is Not the Temple


Janet Willis shows how Jesus tenderly prepared His disciples for the hardships that lay ahead for them (John 14:1-3). He wanted his followers to have a clear view of the long view. He said, “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places…. I go to prepare a place for you.” But, what did Jesus mean by the Father’s House? Where is it now? Where will it be in the future? In a recent podcast, Joel Richardson said, whenever Jesus refers to “My Father’s House,” He means the Temple. He said the place that Jesus was going to prepare for His disciples was the future Temple described in Ezekiel 40-48. Janet will give evidence that when Jesus said “the Father’s house” He did not mean that future Temple. The key is understanding that there are two separate places on the Holy Allotment, the Temple and the city (Ezek 37:26-27; 48:10-35).

Janet presents evidence that Ezekiel and John were each given a view into the future, a view of the same city, New Jerusalem (Click here to see  Janet’s comparison chart). In Janet’s future podcasts, she will examine further the topic of timing, as well as the shape and the size of God’s city. There are amazing clues all over the Bible, hiding in plain sight!



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