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The Islamic Antichrist Theory Debunked – Gog & Magog (Part 8)


Chris White, with Bible Prophecy Talk Podcast, presents Part 8 of his 11-part series on “The Islamic Antichrist Theory”. Chris is discussing, from the biblical text, why he believes the Islamic Antichrist theory is inaccurate.

Today, in Part 8, Chris counters the view that Gog is the Antichrist, as presented in the book “Mideast Beast” by Joel Richardson. This view also argues that Gog is from Turkey, which has a sizeable Muslim population thereby adducing Gog is a Muslim Antichrist.

In this episode, Chris covers a lot of ground by going in depth using important historical resources as well as the biblical text in Exekiel 38 & 39 and Revelation 20.

NOTE: For listeners with a player that supports indexing, you will find this episode divided into 16 chapters for ease of studying along with Chris and reviewing his excellent research on this topic.


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