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The Islamic Antichrist Theory Debunked – The Mahdi, Isa and Dajjal (Part 9)


Chris White, with Bible Prophecy Talk Podcast, presents Part 9 of his 11-part series on “The Islamic Antichrist Theory”. Chris is discussing, from the biblical text, why he believes the Islamic Antichrist theory is inaccurate.

Today, in Part 9, Chris addresses the emphasis of Islamic eschatological belief in views developed by authors such as Joel Richardson in the book “Islamic Antichrist”.

Chris offers a helpful overview of eschatology in Islam, as believed by both Sunni and Shiites, and compares varous similarities & differences betweeen those beliefs, Christian biblical beliefs and other extra-biblical sources.

He concludes by presenting the problems Islamic eschatology presents for Richardson’s view of  an “Islamic” antichrist that aligns with the Bible.


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