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144,000 Evangelists

Ron Wallace shows that the 144,000 Jewish servants of God in Revelation 7 will have a ministry of evangelism. However, for a variety of reasons,

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The Judgment Seat of God

Ron Wallace teaches about the Judgment Seat of God for believers, and the Great White Throne Judgment for unbelievers. Each believer who dies is privately

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The 2300 Days of Daniel 8

Ron Wallace explains a possible interpretation of the 2,300 days of Daniel chapter 8.  This will also involve a suggested scenario for the building of

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The Meaning of Dispensations

Ron Wallace teaches about “dispensations”. This study is crucial for understanding God’s plan for the entire human race and how God communicates His promise of salvation

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Peace and Security

Ron Wallace discusses that future time when there will be severe affliction and hardship unleashed upon the world by the evil personage the Bible calls

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Revelation 14:14-20

Ron Wallace presents the view that Revelation 14:14-20 portrays the initiation of The Day of the Lord judgments that will begin with the Trumpets and

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