Christ’s Teachings About the Second Coming (Part 5)
Ron Wallace, Bible teacher with The Bible Fragrances Biblical Studies Institute, contonues with part 5 of Christ’s Teachings about His Second Coming. In this episode,
Ron Wallace, Bible teacher with The Bible Fragrances Biblical Studies Institute, contonues with part 5 of Christ’s Teachings about His Second Coming. In this episode,
Ron Wallace brings part 4 of his series on Christ’s teachings about His second coming and today will look at two parables of servants in
Ron Wallace continues with part 3 on Christ’s teachings about His second coming, and looks at the general statement of His coming in Mark 8:38.
Ron Wallace continues with part two of Christ’s teachings about His second coming. In this episode, Ron teaches from Matthew 10:1-23, and discusses some of
Ron Wallace concludes his study of Isaiah chapters 24-27. In chapter 27, we see a symbolic judgment on Satan and the esablishment of the vineyard
Ron Wallace begins a multi-part series on exactly what Jesus taught about His second coming. In this first episode, Ron teaches about “The Time Period
Ron Wallace revisits what the Bible has to say about the reign of the Beast. In this episode, Ron looks at the specific details of
Ron Wallace continues with part 3 of his exposition of Isaiah 24-27. In this episode, Ron tackles the very intricate details of Isaiah 26. This
Ron Wallace continues with part two of his Isaiah study. In Isaiah chapter 25, the prophet exalts the wonders of God both past and future.
Ron Wallace, with Bible Fragrances, begins a 4-part series on Isaiah 24-27. Each part will analyze a chapter in succession. Today, in Isaiah 24, Ron
Ron Wallace teaches what the nature and occasion is for the Abomination of Desolation. There are two aspects to the abomination: First: there is the
Ron Wallace teaches about the “abyss” of Revelation 17:8 and the “pit of the abyss” of Revelation 9:1, and shows us that they are different.
Ron Wallace presents a Scriptural identification of the woman of Revelation 12. The vision of Revelation 12 shows both the history and the future of
Ron Wallace kicks off our April epsiodes teaching from Malachi 3:1. The prophecy about a future coming of Elijah has a dual focus: it looks
Ron Wallace presents a possible scenario for understanding why there is sin and evil in the world, and why Satan and demons wander the earth
Ron Wallace shows that the 144,000 Jewish servants of God in Revelation 7 will have a ministry of evangelism. However, for a variety of reasons,
In this episode, Ron Wallace will show that the saints who were raised at Christ’s resurrection were not resurrected, but were brought back to life.
Ron Wallace dispels the popular claim that Christ would never allow His bride to face the persecution from the Antichrist. Many in the pre-trib camp
Ron Wallace compares the Old Testament timeline from Daniel chapter 9 with the time line taught by Jesus. Through that comparison, Ron shows what must
Ron Wallace answers the question, “What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?” Is there a sin that cannot be forgiven? In this episode Ron
Ron teaches exactly how people were saved in the Old Testament. The gospel of salvation has always been the same since God taught Adam and
Ron Wallace teaches about the Judgment Seat of God for believers, and the Great White Throne Judgment for unbelievers. Each believer who dies is privately
Ron Wallace follows up on his study of the history of the nation of Israel. He gives a brief review and then focuses on the
Ron Wallace reviews the two advents of the Messiah and then looks at several key comparisons to the rapture event and the so-called “separate” second
Ron Wallace explains a possible interpretation of the 2,300 days of Daniel chapter 8. This will also involve a suggested scenario for the building of
Ron Wallace discusses the scene in heaven, when the Apostle John’s is taken there by a vision in 96 AD. John is shown symbols of
Ron Wallace teaches that Jesus exhorted the disciples and, by application, all believers concerning the importance of being faithful to Christian virtues. In view of
Ron Wallace reviews the nature of the tribulation through a study of Matthew 24:9-14. And he explains what it means when Jesus said that the
Ron Wallace presents what he perceives to be the meaning of the seven seals of the book of The Revelation. From the beginning of the
Ron Wallace presents a general overview of the history of Israel. Specifically he will teach about God’s purpose for that nation in fulfilling the Messianic
Ron Wallace teaches about “dispensations”. This study is crucial for understanding God’s plan for the entire human race and how God communicates His promise of salvation
Ron Wallace will revisit the theory of the “imminent return” of Jesus Christ and show that the Bible indicates there are at least 9 separate
Ron Wallace focuses on the urgency for spiritual growth. While a lot has been written and taught about being prepared for the coming persecutions upon
Ron Wallace discusses that future time when there will be severe affliction and hardship unleashed upon the world by the evil personage the Bible calls
Ron Wallace shows that the church is prophesied in the Old Testament. Isaiah 65 gives a unique summary of Israel’s failure to represent God properly.
Ron Wallace shows that the believers of the Church are mentioned in the Old Testament. In Daniel 11:33-35, Church-age believers are seen as the “wise
Ron Wallace previously taught about the expectation of the Church concerning the Second Coming of Jesus. In this episode, he amplifies that expectation by looking
Ron Wallace teaches that salvation will still be available after the rapture to anyone who has not taken the mark of the beast. There needs
Ron Wallace presents the view that Revelation 14:14-20 portrays the initiation of The Day of the Lord judgments that will begin with the Trumpets and
Ron Wallace discusses the expectation of the church concerning the second coming of Jesus. The expectation of the church was – and is – NOT
Today, Ron Wallace talks about the word “Explicit” and how it relates to the rapture of the Church. Ron will establish the Bible’s teaching that
Ron Wallace talked about the Thessalonian church undergoing great affliction at the present time from a group of persecutors who are quite severe in their
Ron Wallace talks about the hope of the apostolic church concerning Christ’s second coming and being founded in the very teachings of Jesus. Jesus made