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A Network of Bible Prophecy Teachers

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On the Ground in Israel: The Start of the Sacrifices and a New Temple (Part 1)


Jake McCandless recently returned from a trip to Israel with the ministry Generation 2 Generation. The trip was to show solidarity with Israel and to learn first-hand what happened in the 10/7 attacks. He was able to tour locations that were attacked and speak with a long list of people on the ground ranging from survivors to IDF officials. Jake gained incredible insight while on the ground with 360-degree views of the attacks which which he is sharing here, over a series of episodes.

In previous episodes, Jake has talked about what he learned about the attacks and the current conflict. In this episode, he will begin a multi-part installment on the fulfillment of Bible prophecy he felt was being fulfilled before his eyes. This first prophecy discussed does not have to be seen on the ground in Israel, for it is currently in the news and that is the start of the sacrifices and the building of a new Temple. To make sure we accurately understand what is actually prophesied in the Word, Jake begins this Part 1 by discussing the prophecies surrounding resumption of the sacrifices and a new Temple.  You can also learn more at www.standfirmministries.com.


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