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Prophetic Lessons from Covid for the Watchman: “Own It”


Jake McCandless continues his series, “Prophetic Lessons from Covid”. In this series Jake reflects on the Covid-19 pandemic and the faith-fallout with it, seeing it as a “test run” or “shot across the bow”. For those tracking in Bible prophecy before the pandemic they had the unique experience of being warned, being called to try to warn, and then seeing it come to pass in some way. Very few prophetic voices have been able to see such a hint of what they were warned about come to pass. It’s time we reflect on the possible prophetic lessons from that time.

What lessons can be learned prophetically from Covid?

This episode is for those who have been tracking prophecy and those new to it. Jake shares his greatest regret from the start of Stand Firm to Covid. This is a regret he doesn’t want to repeat again. The regret comes from a battle every prophetic voice has had to battle. Jake calls on watchmen to “own it”—to own their weird. This is what all the Biblical prophets had to do.

Also check out the Last Days Overcomer Conferences at https://lastdaysovercomer.org.


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