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The End Time Church: The Best of Times, The Worst of Times (Part 1)


Jake McCandless provides a compelling comparison using Charles Dickens’ famous quote from A Tale of Two Cities, about the best of times and the worst of times during pre-revolution London and Paris, with the end-of-the-age Church.

Throughout his Stand Firm events and teachings, Jake often quotes that the Bible gives a detailed picture of the church at the end of the age. Most of that picture is heart-breaking, as Scripture warns of many who turn away from the Faith; but in the middle of such devastating passages there are prophecies of the Church being what it truly should be.

Jake walks through a passage that contains both sides of this double edge sword of the end-time Church. In Matthew 24:9-14, one can find the worst news about the Church and its ultimate accomplishment. This dichotomy of the end-of-the-age Church is worded explicitly in Scripture, but it has also manifested itself throughout history as the Church has been persecuted.


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